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SW/Application (Flutter)

Flutter on Chrome OS (Pixelbook Go)

by 라꾸스떼(YR) 2020. 9. 7.

First of All, You have to turn on Linux On Chrome OS.


크롬OS - 리눅스 (Linux on Chrome OS, Crostini) & 개발 환경 (Fish Shell, gcc/g++, Python(Anaconda)) (1/2)

크롬북은 크롬OS의 특이한 호환성(?)으로 제법 괜찮은 개발 환경을 꾸릴 수 있다. 바로 데비안 계열의 리눅스 환경이 제공이 되기 때문이다. 즉 크롬 웹 앱과 안드로이드 앱은 물론 리눅스 앱이 ��



sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

#You can download Flutter SDK & Android Studio, Android SDK with wget command
wget https://storage.googleapis.com/flutter_infra/releases/stable/linux/flutter_linux_1.20.3-stable.tar.xz
wget https://redirector.gvt1.com/edgedl/android/studio/install/


1. Flutter SDK

  • Install the Flutter SDK

Download with wget command or Flutter Site. Drag and Drop the SDK file from “Downloads” to “Linux Files".

#Install the Flutter SDK
tar xf flutter_linux_1.20.3-stable.tar.xz
which flutter

# Update $PATH
vim ~/.bashrc
#Add the line below
export PATH="$PATH:/[YOUR PATH]/flutter/bin"
export PATH="$PATH:/opt/android-studio/jre/bin"

which flutter
flutter doctor


2. Android SDK & Android Studio(IDE)

You can also build a Flutter App with Visual Studio Code.

  • Install the Android Studio
  • Install Plugins : Dart, Flutter
#install on Linux with File GUI
sudo dpkg -i android-studio-ide-193.6626763-cros.deb




3. Enable ADB

"With the latest version of Chrome OS, you no longer need to put your device into developer mode to push apps to your Chrome OS device."


Now, You Can run on Flutter Apps on your Chromebook.



4. Start a New Flutter Project !

But You might get an issue...

  • Running Gradle task 'assembleDebug'... Stuck Issue

You can waive the issue with the command below.

flutter run -v
#If it doesn't work, You should check with the commands.
flutter doctor -v
flutter doctor --android-licenses


[Reference Link]

